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Precision Mapping


Using a drone in Agriculture is like being able to see your field from a 10,000-foot altitude, but also being able to zoom in to two inches above the plants.  Growers are increasingly discovering that drone mapping is an invaluable tool, both for its ease of use and for its many applications on the farm. 


We can use RTK enabled drones to get precision measurements maps for anything that requires a high level of accuracy such as boundary lines, tile placement, etc.  We can also provide the files necessary for input into agricultural software.



Here is a list of some of the drone mapping services we can provide:


  • Field Surveys

  • Boundary Maps

  • Slope and Drainage Assessments

  • Crop Damage / Insurance Assessment

  • Crop Stand Counts / Establishment

  • Crop Health

  • Crop Variable Rate

  • Digital Terran Maps

  • Digital Surface Maps

  • Construction Progress

  • Bin Inspections

  • Stockpile Analysis



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